Upcoming Events

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May 2024 Events

Gong Bath With Craig

3rd May 7.30pm-8.30pm. 

£15 PP

I cannot stress enough how important it is to be warm. As your heartbeat lowers during a session, so does your core body temperature. Please bring your warmest blankets!

“Intentional exposure to a sound bath brings an enhanced awareness of senses which can be applied to everyday life challenges and pleasures."

Gong Bath Meditations alter brain wave patterns from the Beta (waking state) to Theta & Delta (meditative) states. Science teaches that meditative brain frequencies enable us to access our deeper subconscious and superconscious, which are key states for healing.

The gong is one of the oldest musical instruments in the world. Based on ancient wisdom, gongs vibrate at frequencies our body latches on to allowing the mind and body the space to heal itself.

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Surrender Sunday Series: Yin Yoga Workshop

A series of 2 hr workshops that invite you to take some time out, slow down, unwind, relax and explore the themes and concepts of Yin Yoga practice. 

5th May 1pm-3pm. 

£30 PP

Do you find it hard to let go or slow down? Be curious to explore yin principles, ask yourself where does it feel safe for me to let go? 


A series of 2 hr workshops that invite you to take some time out, slow down, unwind, relax and explore the themes and concepts of Yin Yoga practice. 


Rosanne will guide you through an experiential workshop through a trauma sensitive lens, to practice internal exploration, relaxation, how to soften, how to feel safe to surrender and to explore key principles of Yin practice. 


These monthly workshops will offer:


  • A practice to observe your embodied experience of Yin
  • A space for internal inquiry, deepening your journey inwards to come back home to yourself. 
  • Practice of stillness to connect to your intuition
  • An exploration of the qualities of Yin
  • Chance to physically relieve tension from your body
  • Slow down and get cosy in a soothing sound bath. 


What to expect:


  • 2 hr practice
  • Arrival tea (please bring your own cup)
  • Arrival meditation
  • Experiential exploration of Yin principes and themes
  • Singing bowl relaxation
  • Moment of reflection & intention setting
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Dragon Workshop with Eleanor

May 11th 2.30-pm-4.30pm. 

£28 PP

The Legend of the Four Dragons and the Jade Emperor- the ancient Chinese legend which tells the tale of the benevolent dragons who disobeyed the emperor to bring water to the people dying of drought and starvation. Dragons in China are most beloved, in this workshop, we will explore the history and stories of these mythical creatures, and what might be in store for us all during the year of the Wood Dragon.

Prepare to awaken your inner dragon as we engage in Wood element phase Qigong flows and graceful Dragon forms, harmonising body, mind, and spirit in alignment with the rhythms of nature. Concluding our journey with a tranquil meditation, allowing for reflection and integration of the wisdom gained.

To book email Eleanor directly on info@eleanor-wellbeing.co.uk

Menopause Management Toolkit workshop with Donna

12th May 2024 Time: 1pm – 4 pm

£40 PP

This workshop will focus on Hot flushes and Mood swings .

These are common symptoms of menopause and perimenopause. Often connected, and can leave you feeling drained and miserable. You will learn the causes of these symptoms. You will learn tools to deal with Hot flushes and surges of Anger.

There will be a women's circle where you can discuss your experiences. with other women going through the same situation and know that you are not alone.

You will learn breathing techniques to help to cool you down. You will learn grounding techniques to calm your nervous system. You will learn a short, simple yoga sequence to cool your body and calm your mind. You will learn how to keep a journal so that you can track your symptoms and learn what makes them worse. This workshop will help you to reframe these symptoms as positive surges of energy that are being released because they are no longer required by you. A kind of clearing out of the junk in order to make space for the new you! You will leave with a simple toolkit, designed to help you to manage your hot flushes and mood swings. This workshop is suitable for women who are going through or have been

through the menopause even if you have never done yoga before.

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Sound Bath with Angela

May 17th 7.30-pm-8.30pm. 

£15 PP

If you need to gain strength and clarity in a quiet environment away from your current circumstances. This gentle sound ceremony is perfect. 

Angela will help you relax your body and mind. 

Starting with gentle sounds, using a variety of instruments including Tibetan singing bowl,, chimes and bells and then lead on to slightly louder sounds using overtones, which create a massage-like effect on the body, helping with relaxation, harmony and inner peace. 

A Sound Bath is a deeply-immersive, full body listening experience that intentionally uses sound to invite gentle yet powerful therapeutic and restorative processes to nurture your mind and body.

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Are You Ready To Let Go?

Friday May 31st 7.15pm 

£20 PP

You have been trying to let go of a behaviour, thought pattern and emotions that are holding you back. You are struggling to do just that on a conscious level. Carrying past events into the present.


You would much rather replace this issue with something more helpful and fulfilling.


In this group hypnosis we will do just that. 

I will help you, when you are in a state of deepest relaxation, to let go of anything you desire. And then plant the seeds for the things you DO want in your life. 

Contact details to book and info: 07910070535 

June 2024 Events

Surrender Sunday Series: Yin Yoga Workshop

A series of 2 hr workshops that invite you to take some time out, slow down, unwind, relax and explore the themes and concepts of Yin Yoga practice. 

2nd June 1pm-3pm. 

£30 PP

Do you find it hard to let go or slow down? Be curious to explore yin principles, ask yourself where does it feel safe for me to let go? 


A series of 2 hr workshops that invite you to take some time out, slow down, unwind, relax and explore the themes and concepts of Yin Yoga practice. 


Rosanne will guide you through an experiential workshop through a trauma sensitive lens, to practice internal exploration, relaxation, how to soften, how to feel safe to surrender and to explore key principles of Yin practice. 


These monthly workshops will offer:


  • A practice to observe your embodied experience of Yin
  • A space for internal inquiry, deepening your journey inwards to come back home to yourself. 
  • Practice of stillness to connect to your intuition
  • An exploration of the qualities of Yin
  • Chance to physically relieve tension from your body
  • Slow down and get cosy in a soothing sound bath. 


What to expect:


  • 2 hr practice
  • Arrival tea (please bring your own cup)
  • Arrival meditation
  • Experiential exploration of Yin principes and themes
  • Singing bowl relaxation
  • Moment of reflection & intention setting
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Sound Bath with Angela

June 7th 7.30-pm-8.30pm. 

£15 PP

If you need to gain strength and clarity in a quiet environment away from your current circumstances. This gentle sound ceremony is perfect. 

Angela will help you relax your body and mind. 

Starting with gentle sounds, using a variety of instruments including Tibetan singing bowl,, chimes and bells and then lead on to slightly louder sounds using overtones, which create a massage-like effect on the body, helping with relaxation, harmony and inner peace. 

A Sound Bath is a deeply-immersive, full body listening experience that intentionally uses sound to invite gentle yet powerful therapeutic and restorative processes to nurture your mind and body.

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A Mindful and Therapeutic approach to Ashtanga Yoga

8th / 9th June 

We are delighted to be hosting two international Ashtanga yoga Teachers.  Petri and Scott are dear friends and colleagues within the Ashtanga yoga tradition.  They have collaborated twice before and have found that their intentions as mysore teachers, plus passion for the Ashtanga yoga practice, are very similar.

In this unique collaborative intensive you will receive gentle, healing, therapeutic and mindful approaches to your practice under the guidance of these very experienced teachers.   Petri and Scott love spending time together and this workshop will be an extension of their friendship and love for the practice.


Each day you can choose from 2 different Ashtanga Yoga Mysore start times. There will be a workshop on both afternoons.

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Gong Bath With Craig

21st June 7.30pm-8.30pm. 

£15 PP

I cannot stress enough how important it is to be warm. As your heartbeat lowers during a session, so does your core body temperature. Please bring your warmest blankets!

“Intentional exposure to a sound bath brings an enhanced awareness of senses which can be applied to everyday life challenges and pleasures."

Gong Bath Meditations alter brain wave patterns from the Beta (waking state) to Theta & Delta (meditative) states. Science teaches that meditative brain frequencies enable us to access our deeper subconscious and superconscious, which are key states for healing.

The gong is one of the oldest musical instruments in the world. Based on ancient wisdom, gongs vibrate at frequencies our body latches on to allowing the mind and body the space to heal itself.

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Introduction to Crystals with Kay Chung of KC Holistics

Saturday 22nd June - 2 4pm


Join Kay for an Introduction to crystals workshop , 2-4pm on 22/6/24. 

This workshop is perfect for anyone new to the crystal world or those who want to deepen their knowledge of crystals. At the heart of the workshop is understanding how they work, how to use & take care of them so they can vibrate at their highest frequency to support you in your everyday life.


What we cover on the day:


✨What crystals are


✨How crystals work


✨What is crystal healing




✨Different crystal shapes


✨How to cleanse your crystals


✨How to charge your crystals


✨How to choose your crystals


✨How to programme your crystals


✨How to set intentions with your crystals 


Kay will provide you with some crystals to work with during the workshop, you may wish to purchase at the end and there will also be a crystal pop up stall if you want to purchase anything after the workshop too.

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TRE Workshop

Sunday 23rd June - 1-3pm


TRE stands for Tension and Trauma Release exercises.


It is a series of simple exercises that help you to tap into your body’s natural shaking mechanism. It will help you to regulate your nervous system and bring you out of the fight/flight response and into a calm, grounded and socially engaged state of being. It is very simple to learn and can be learned over about 4 sessions. Once learned, TRE can be practiced safely at home on your own as a tool to manage stress throughout your life.


It is brilliant for dealing with stress, tension and trauma. TRE can help you to deal with:



  •  workplace stress
  •  Stuck tension in the body
  •  Old trauma that is buried deep in the body
  • Grief and loss
  • Stress that exacerbates menopause symptoms
  • Anxiety and low mood
  • It can also raise your consciousness
  • And is incredibly healing


Some of the benefits of TRE include:

  • Reduced worry and anxiety
  • Reduced stress
  • Reduced muscle and back pain
  • Improved sleep
  • Improved digestion
  • Improved resilience
  • Improved ability to cope with life’s ups and downs
  • Improved relationships
  • Improved social engagement
  • More energy
  • Better grounding
  • A more regulated nervous system 
  • It can also help with ADHD and other neurodivergence’s 


And all on top of helping you to release stuck tension and trauma in the body. What’s not to like? This 2 hour workshop is ideal for anyone who wants to try TRE for the first time. It’s a small group to encourage an atmosphere of safety.

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July 2024 Events

The Fire Element in Yin Yoga Evening

July 5th 6.30-pm-8.30pm. 

£30 PP

Welcome to The Fire Element in Yin Yoga Evening at Yoga Sangha, Institute, Cheadle, UK! 


Join Melanie Hutton for a transformative experience as you explore the powerful energy of the fire element in Yin Yoga and the new moon in Cancer . Dive deep into your yin yoga practice and connect with like-minded individuals in a supportive environment. Don't miss out on this opportunity to ignite your inner fire and discover what this element is all about in the TCM five element series . 


We practice on a powerful day as the new moon enters cancer known as a buck moon . Ideal for new beginnings and setting intentions please bring your journal for some prompts as we will start with breath work, journaling, heading into Yin Yoga and settling into meditation . Reserve your spot now! 

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Surrender Sunday Series: Yin Yoga Workshop

A series of 2 hr workshops that invite you to take some time out, slow down, unwind, relax and explore the themes and concepts of Yin Yoga practice. 

7th July 1pm-3pm. 

£30 PP

Do you find it hard to let go or slow down? Be curious to explore yin principles, ask yourself where does it feel safe for me to let go? 


A series of 2 hr workshops that invite you to take some time out, slow down, unwind, relax and explore the themes and concepts of Yin Yoga practice. 


Rosanne will guide you through an experiential workshop through a trauma sensitive lens, to practice internal exploration, relaxation, how to soften, how to feel safe to surrender and to explore key principles of Yin practice. 


These monthly workshops will offer:


  • A practice to observe your embodied experience of Yin
  • A space for internal inquiry, deepening your journey inwards to come back home to yourself. 
  • Practice of stillness to connect to your intuition
  • An exploration of the qualities of Yin
  • Chance to physically relieve tension from your body
  • Slow down and get cosy in a soothing sound bath. 


What to expect:


  • 2 hr practice
  • Arrival tea (please bring your own cup)
  • Arrival meditation
  • Experiential exploration of Yin principes and themes
  • Singing bowl relaxation
  • Moment of reflection & intention setting
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Sound Bath with Angela

July 12th 7.30-pm-8.30pm. 

£15 PP

If you need to gain strength and clarity in a quiet environment away from your current circumstances. This gentle sound ceremony is perfect. 

Angela will help you relax your body and mind. 

Starting with gentle sounds, using a variety of instruments including Tibetan singing bowl,, chimes and bells and then lead on to slightly louder sounds using overtones, which create a massage-like effect on the body, helping with relaxation, harmony and inner peace. 

A Sound Bath is a deeply-immersive, full body listening experience that intentionally uses sound to invite gentle yet powerful therapeutic and restorative processes to nurture your mind and body.

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August 2024 Events

Sound Bath with Angela

August 2nd 7.30-pm-8.30pm. 

£15 PP

If you need to gain strength and clarity in a quiet environment away from your current circumstances. This gentle sound ceremony is perfect. 

Angela will help you relax your body and mind. 

Starting with gentle sounds, using a variety of instruments including Tibetan singing bowl,, chimes and bells and then lead on to slightly louder sounds using overtones, which create a massage-like effect on the body, helping with relaxation, harmony and inner peace. 

A Sound Bath is a deeply-immersive, full body listening experience that intentionally uses sound to invite gentle yet powerful therapeutic and restorative processes to nurture your mind and body.

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September 2024 Events

Sound Bath with Angela

September 6th 7.30-pm-8.30pm. 

£15 PP

If you need to gain strength and clarity in a quiet environment away from your current circumstances. This gentle sound ceremony is perfect. 

Angela will help you relax your body and mind. 

Starting with gentle sounds, using a variety of instruments including Tibetan singing bowl,, chimes and bells and then lead on to slightly louder sounds using overtones, which create a massage-like effect on the body, helping with relaxation, harmony and inner peace. 

A Sound Bath is a deeply-immersive, full body listening experience that intentionally uses sound to invite gentle yet powerful therapeutic and restorative processes to nurture your mind and body.

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Menopause Management Toolkit workshop with Donna

22nd Sep 2024 Time: 1pm – 4 pm

£40 PP

This workshop will focus on Hot flushes and Mood swings .

These are common symptoms of menopause and perimenopause. Often connected, and can leave you feeling drained and miserable. You will learn the causes of these symptoms. You will learn tools to deal with Hot flushes and surges of Anger.

There will be a women's circle where you can discuss your experiences. with other women going through the same situation and know that you are not alone.

You will learn breathing techniques to help to cool you down. You will learn grounding techniques to calm your nervous system. You will learn a short, simple yoga sequence to cool your body and calm your mind. You will learn how to keep a journal so that you can track your symptoms and learn what makes them worse. This workshop will help you to reframe these symptoms as positive surges of energy that are being released because they are no longer required by you. A kind of clearing out of the junk in order to make space for the new you! You will leave with a simple toolkit, designed to help you to manage your hot flushes and mood swings. This workshop is suitable for women who are going through or have been

through the menopause even if you have never done yoga before.

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October 2024 Events

Sound Bath with Angela

October 4th 7.30-pm-8.30pm. 

£15 PP

If you need to gain strength and clarity in a quiet environment away from your current circumstances. This gentle sound ceremony is perfect. 

Angela will help you relax your body and mind. 

Starting with gentle sounds, using a variety of instruments including Tibetan singing bowl,, chimes and bells and then lead on to slightly louder sounds using overtones, which create a massage-like effect on the body, helping with relaxation, harmony and inner peace. 

A Sound Bath is a deeply-immersive, full body listening experience that intentionally uses sound to invite gentle yet powerful therapeutic and restorative processes to nurture your mind and body.

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November 2024 Events

Sound Bath with Angela

November 15th 7.30-pm-8.30pm. 

£15 PP

If you need to gain strength and clarity in a quiet environment away from your current circumstances. This gentle sound ceremony is perfect. 

Angela will help you relax your body and mind. 

Starting with gentle sounds, using a variety of instruments including Tibetan singing bowl,, chimes and bells and then lead on to slightly louder sounds using overtones, which create a massage-like effect on the body, helping with relaxation, harmony and inner peace. 

A Sound Bath is a deeply-immersive, full body listening experience that intentionally uses sound to invite gentle yet powerful therapeutic and restorative processes to nurture your mind and body.

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December 2024 Events

Sound Bath with Angela

December 6th 7.30-pm-8.30pm. 

£15 PP

If you need to gain strength and clarity in a quiet environment away from your current circumstances. This gentle sound ceremony is perfect. 

Angela will help you relax your body and mind. 

Starting with gentle sounds, using a variety of instruments including Tibetan singing bowl,, chimes and bells and then lead on to slightly louder sounds using overtones, which create a massage-like effect on the body, helping with relaxation, harmony and inner peace. 

A Sound Bath is a deeply-immersive, full body listening experience that intentionally uses sound to invite gentle yet powerful therapeutic and restorative processes to nurture your mind and body.

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